Good E6 developing in Europe?
Thor Legvold
2014-06-01 09:04:08 UTC
I’d like to know if anyone on this side of the pond can recommend a good lab for E6.

I sent a single test roll via a local lab to CeWe in Germany and was disappointed, the slides looked flat and slightly muddy. Usually my exposures are pretty accurate, but it may be that this particular roll wasn’t shot as well as it could have been. I could send another test roll, but as the price of film has increased and become harder to source, I’d like to use what I have for shooting.

Before I send any more rolls off, I wanted to know whate experience fellow list members have and where they achieve consistently good development.

At some point I may try my hand at E6 in the Jobo I acquired, but for that I’ll need a water temperature control panel and other item’s I’m not prepared to purchase now (unless I find a real bargain somewhere).

Years ago I worked in a lab myself, and from what I remember the two most important things to maintain predictable quality is temperature control and a continuous run of film, i.e. over days/weeks. That makes it wasier to replenish chemicals consistently and keep everything stable. From what I’ve heard about CeWe, they’re only developing a few days a week now, although that may be the case for every lab these days as the rush to digital continues.

Looking forward to hearing any experiences.

Volker Muth
2014-06-01 10:45:15 UTC

I would recommend two professional labs in Germany - Photo Studio 13 in Stuttgart http://www.photostudio13.de/products/entwickeln.html and http://www.hsldigital.de/service.html in Duesseldorf http://www.hsldigital.de.
HSL Digital does the E6, C41 and B/W from 35mm to 8x10 Inch and also C-Prints to180 cm width. They told me that they experience an increase of demand for E6 and C-41 as other labs are shutting down developing services.
I send all of my color work (C-41 and E-6) up to 4x5 inch to Photo Studio 13 and was never disappointed so far. Within three working days I receive the developed film with contact prints from them. Both labs are running color processes on several days a week so the chemical solutions are in a good state. When I called the labs with questions both where friendly and competent.

Hope these information helps you

I’d like to know if anyone on this side of the pond can recommend a good lab for E6.
I sent a single test roll via a local lab to CeWe in Germany and was disappointed, the slides looked flat and slightly muddy. Usually my exposures are pretty accurate, but it may be that this particular roll wasn’t shot as well as it could have been. I could send another test roll, but as the price of film has increased and become harder to source, I’d like to use what I have for shooting.
Before I send any more rolls off, I wanted to know whate experience fellow list members have and where they achieve consistently good development.
At some point I may try my hand at E6 in the Jobo I acquired, but for that I’ll need a water temperature control panel and other item’s I’m not prepared to purchase now (unless I find a real bargain somewhere).
Years ago I worked in a lab myself, and from what I remember the two most important things to maintain predictable quality is temperature control and a continuous run of film, i.e. over days/weeks. That makes it wasier to replenish chemicals consistently and keep everything stable. From what I’ve heard about CeWe, they’re only developing a few days a week now, although that may be the case for every lab these days as the rush to digital continues.
Looking forward to hearing any experiences.
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