OT: Two Kodachrome '59 slides
2014-08-10 15:35:08 UTC
I uploaded another two 1959 Kodachromes to my gallery at Flickr. All
these old Kodachromes were projected several times in the '60s and
'70s using a Kindermann projector from the '50s without fan and they
suffered the high temperature. At the middle of '70s my father bought
a brand new Paximat to see the same Kodachromes again and again
because he had abandoned photography from 1962 and I also used it to
watch my new Ektachromes and Agfa CT 18 (I never shot Kodachromes
because it was necessary to wait results for a long time and a local
lab started to make E-6). In other words, I think it's almost a
miracle I can see and share these few slides again after the
accumulated hours of projection and the decades they were forgotten in
a closet...



