Wephota 6,5 x 9 cm sheet film
2014-06-22 02:30:51 UTC
I shot my last Efke iso 25 sheet film for the Rollei Plate adapter a
few weeks ago and I was looking for a replacement because Efke film is
no longer manufactured. I believed 6,5 x 9 cm B&W panchromatic sheet
film was only available once per year via Ilford special order,
however I found "Wephota" panchromatic 6,5x9 cm sheet film in the
Lumière-Shop at Germany. I bought two boxes with 25 sheets each one
and received them today at home directly, without customs issues (a
nice surprise to me).
I really bought Wephota "ASA" 25 sheet film according the Lumière
catalog, because I like ISO 25 film for the Rollei Plate adapter,
however they sent me the same film but ISO 100. I won't complain about
it, I'm happy having film for the Rollei Plate adapter to use it now
and then, but I'll write a comment to the seller.

The film is "Wephota N22 Panchromatic", I had never heard about it. It
looks manufactured by Banse und Grohmann in Wernigerode city, Harz,
central Germany. I'll see the results...

