Fundraising for a new 4x5 Inch instant film material
Volker Muth
2014-04-12 09:50:09 UTC
Hello Rollei user,

this is not a genuine Rollei issue but I assume that a lot of you also takes photos with other film formats like 4x5 Inch as I do. So you might find this information on the reinvention of 4x5 Inch instant film interesting for you, too.

Since three years the New55 Film Project http://new55project.blogspot.de is going to reinvent Typ 55 4x5 Inch instant film material. The original Polaroid Type 55 film (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polaroid_type_55) was a black-and-white peel-apart Polaroid film that yielded both a positive print and a negative image (which can be used in an enlarger). Robert Crowley's photo stream on Flickr on https://www.flickr.com/photos/***@N05/show/ using prototype New Type 55 film is promising. After solving the technical issues the New55 film group started the ultimate test - the test for the real market demand. At https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bobcrowley/new55-film New55 Film started fundraising and I hope that they succeed as there is no instant film material for 4x5 Inch left today. Till the deadline at May 6th 23 days are left to go and I wish them good luck!

Kind regards and a good weekend,

mailto: ***@gmx.net
Marcus Kaufhold
2014-04-12 09:54:57 UTC
Yes, I do agree! This Kickstarter project is important for a lot of photographers!

Von meinem iPhone gesendet
Post by Volker Muth
Hello Rollei user,
this is not a genuine Rollei issue but I assume that a lot of you also takes photos with other film formats like 4x5 Inch as I do. So you might find this information on the reinvention of 4x5 Inch instant film interesting for you, too.
Kind regards and a good weekend,